Acreditated by A3ES

About Course

Decision: Accredited
Accreditation validity: 31/07/2025

Regime/Schedule: Daytime
Maximum number of admissions: 20


The Master’s programme in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development (HACD) prepares professionals or future professionals to deal with humanitarian responses. It is an international programme that has several years of experience and has specialised professionals, both professors as well as civilian and military guests.

Humanitarian emergencies occur in different types of situations, most commonly conflict situations, but they can also be natural disasters, health emergencies or specific security risks.

The response to these situations opts for a humanist approach and specific strategies, namely: promoting health and the essential well-being of the person, preparing for disaster situations and security risks, analysing and preventing international and internal crises. Organisation is the key, which is why you need to know how to plan for emergencies, how to coordinate and work together with the various emergency operators to provide humanitarian services, how to use logistical and management support tools, and how to carry out post-emergency evaluation and post-crisis development.

We offer an invaluable experience of teaching and, at the same time, have contact with the practice, with work projects linked to EU funded projects, and Internships with international, national and local NGOs.

The language of instruction of the MHACD is English.

Studies Plan

MSc· 3 semesters · 90 ECTS
According to Despacho n.º 9025/2021, DR 2.ª série n.º177, de 10 de setembro 

Main Scientific Area: Social and Behavioural Sciences


PhD João Casqueira

For further information, please fill in and send the form to be contacted:


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interchange and Erasmus+

Students of University Fernando Pessoa (UFP) who meet the eligibility criteria have the possibility to carry out periods of study and/or internship in international mobility.

Study periods in international mobility for students are carried out in higher education institutions outside Portugal with which UFP has student exchange agreements under the Erasmus+ Programme (in the European area), or other existing bilateral exchange agreements.

Information about mobility/exchange programmes is available through the International Relations Office (Link).



Please see the information on the Conditions of Application for the Master’s Degrees (2nd Cycle).
