Humanitarian Studies Research Lecture

1416 ABR 2024 | Room UV3 and in Zoom | 15:00 – 16:30


Guess Speaker: Prof Doutora Adelheid Iken
Moderator: Prof. Dr. João Casqueira

Prof. Dr. Adelheid Iken (HAW/UFP) is co-author of the EduBoxes, and will explain what they are and how they work to the Master students (Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development), as well as to the PhD Students (Political and Humanitarian Studies).

The EduBoxes are an open tool to approach cultural differences, to improve multicultural communication, and to work in multicultural teams – which is a essential today in many fields (such as international cooperation or humanitarian work). As such, the EduBoxes have a strong potential for practical skills in human rights.

In this open lecturer she will demonstrate the innovation involved in teaching and learning. This, not only with the contents of the event (the EduBoxes), but also due to the space used for it (UV3) – allowing students near Porto to attend in a comfortable way, and students outside to participate fully.

This event will gather Master and PhD students, creating a dialogue and helping Master students to foresee possibilities to continue their studies after finishing the Master course.

Target Audience: : Master students UFP; PhD students UFP; other Master or PhD students of partner institutions; Researchers of the CEPESE
