Universidade de Inverno – Projeto EUSecure

In the framework of the project EUSecure[1] (https://www.eusecure.org/) in which Universidade Fernando Pessoa participates together with another four European universities, the Beta testing of the elective Course on European Security will be held in Piraeus, Greece, from the 28th February to the 4th March 2023. The course will be taught in English.

For this Winter Course, there will be ten places available for students of each participating university. The project covers travel and basic subsistence costs.

Universidade Fernando Pessoa hereby calls for the participation of its students, which shall abide by the following rules and deadlines.


Universidade Fernando Pessoa will select 10 students among those currently enrolled in one of the study programmes offered at the University.

Applications must be sent by email (eusecure.ufp@ufp.edu.pt) and must include

the following elements:

– Student’s identification (name, student number, degree, year, faculty; ID number: CC/BI or passport)

Presentation/Motivation letter (in English)

List of the student’s academic results in the courses attended until the end of the second semester of the academic year 2021-22 or entry qualifications for first year students (1st and 2nd cycle), expressed in a 0-20 points scale.

– In the case of i) PhD students and ii) of students who have a prior Higher Education degree and are currently enrolled in courses of Academia Fernando Pessoa, please send a curriculum vitae instead.


The call is open from the 12th to the 19th December 2022 (23h:59m Lisbon time)

Selection Criteria:

1º. Students who did not attend the Lecce Summer School of the EU Project (July 2022) prefer over others.

Students currently enrolled in the International and European Security Free Course of the EUSecure project at Universidade Fernando Pessoa prefer over others.

The jury will assess the relevance of the presentation/motivation letters and sort the candidates accordingly.

4º. The candidates will be subsequently sorted according to their academic results/entry qualifications (minimum 10 out of 20)/ or their CVs (Academia UFP and PhD students only).

5º. The following criteria will be used as subsequent tiebreakers:

  1. a) socioeconomic criterion (students with a socioeconomic scholarship prefer;
  2. b) gender criterion (students of the less represented male/female group will be chosen)



The next candidates in line take the position.

Other information on the Project: 

The leadership of the project is with Ludovika – University of Public Service, Budapest (Hungary). The other partner institutions are: University of Salento, Lecce (Italy); Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca (Romenia), University Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Portugal), and University of Piraeus, Piraeus (Greece).

For more information or doubts, please go to the project’s website (https://www.eusecure.org/) or contact by email: cramos@ufp.edu.pt

[1] EUSecure: An Interdisciplinary Training on EU Security, Resilience and Sustainability. A Simulation Supported Massive Open Online Course Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ program under grant agreement 2020-1-HU01-KA203-078719.