Mesa Redonda – ICOTTS23

2 de Novembro às 16h00

Esta mesa redonda intitulada COMMUNICATING CITIES é organizada por docentes da UFP e do ISCAP no âmbito da ICOTTS’23 e terá  contributos de várias áreas, desde a comunicação à arquitetura e engenharia.

Throughout the world, tourism has assumed a leading role in the development of different sectors of society both globally and locally. This scenario has forced countries, in general, and cities, in particular, to (re)think the way they communicate. The communication about the city as a tourist destination must express its reality, so as not to defraud the expectations of those who visit it. Communication is now used in a conscious, professional way; in other words, as a tool for promoting the city, both among residents and among tourists, who come from all over the world to get to know a country or a city in particular. Moreover, there has never been such a varied and technologically advanced range of media, tools, and information outlets that can make communication truly effective. On the other hand, there have never been so many threats and challenges posed by (mis)information overload, security hazards, and environmental requirements. Thus, a discussion on this issue and related topics has never been so necessary.

Topics include:

– City Branding
– Communicating cities through advertising
– The role of word of mouth and influencers in tourist destinations
– The use of technologies in the communication of cities
– Verbal and non-verbal communication in the communication of cities
– Communication and Sustainability
– Urban communication and architecture
– Communicating cities in the digital era
– Communicating cities and media
– Communicating cities and tourism



Adriana José de Oliveira (CEOS, ISCAP, Polytechnic of Porto)
Sandra Tuna (University Fernando Pessoa)
Elsa Simões (University Fernando Pessoa)

Guest Speakers:

Francisco Mesquita (Associate Professor with Habilitation, University Fernando Pessoa): advertising, design, urban art, sustainability

Luís Pinto de Faria (Associate Professor, University Fernando Pessoa, coordinator of the MA in Architecture and Urbanism):  architect

Avelino Oliveira (Professor, University Fernando Pessoa): president of the Professional Order of Portuguese Architects

Jorge Esparteiro Garcia Adjunct Professor IPVC, PhD in Computer Sciences, University of Porto: Digital Marketing-


TRACK ORGANISED BY: Adriana Oliveira, Sandra Tuna, Elsa Simões,

Mais informações:
